Fire, ever changing, ever moving, even when its rooted its in constant movement.
The fire within you is the warmth of your body. Connect with fire through the pulsing lifeblood, feel its power infusing your every cell.
What you’ll need
An open fire, in the physical realm or in your minds eye.
Sit down comfortably and gaze into the flames, watch how they move, listen to the crackling sound, feel its warmth on your face and the front of your legs.
Listen inwards, can you feel your heart calling?
Can you feel the fire within and the flames without long for each other?
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and open up your chest, let the fire energies mingle. Feel them dance around each other.
Meditate on happy thoughts, feed your fire with your passions and excitement. Let your flame become a roaring fire, don’t be scared, wallow in its beauty. It is you. And it is uncontrollable, undeniably free and life loving. Ever moving, ever changing, ever dancing.
This meditation can be done while facing the sun (with closed eyes of course), or with the flame of a candle. Let your creativity guide you.