Grounding is a game changer and one of the most powerful tools i have in my witchy toolbox. I use it in my craft, but also regularly in my everyday life.
In essence, Grounding is connecting and mingling you own power with that of the earths. I know that sounds a bit woo-woo, (what can I tell you, I am.) but fear not, Here’s a more scientific explanation:
The term comes from the process of grounding an electrical circuit. Essentially if an object is negatively charged, grounding allows excess electrons to flow from the object into the earth. If an object is positively charged, electrons flow from the earth into the object.
It’s a method of balancing and equalizing the flow of energy.
What you’ll need:
-A place where you won’t be disturbed.
-Possibly a blanket.
Take yourself out into nature. If this is your first time, try to go to the forest as being completely surrounded by nature will help you, but any little plot of land or rock will do.
Sit down, lay down or just place your bare feet on the ground.
Feel the earth underneath you, use your senses to connect. How does it feel, what are the smells and sounds. Focus on feeling, how does the earth feel beneath you.
Imagine your energy going down through your feet and into the earth, like roots extending down, deeper and deeper, until you are a tree, firmly rooted in the soil. Feel the earths energy fill up through your roots, flow through you, all the way up to your head and back again into the roots.
Let the neutral energy of the earth stabilize you, cleanse you of stress excess, breath into it, until you feel calm and grounded. When you are ready, release your roots and witch gratitude let them travel back inwards.
Look around you for something that you can bring back with you. A rock, a flower, a branch or even a root. Use this tool as a reminder of this moment and your connection with the Great Mother.