Water, the element of feeling, emotions, intuition and what lies beneath the surface.
It so no coincidence that many ancient civilizations called her Mother Ocean, 60% of our bodies are chemically similar to seawater. Life itself starts in our mother’s womb, surrounded by amniotic fluid -saltwater.
This is the first post in a series about the five elements. We will focus on each element with the intention to connect with its power. The elemental powers within you.
The water element is complex, it rules the realm of emotions and your unconscious self. It can cleanse, mirror or hide. Its direction is (traditionally) west and it rules the deep, deep depth of our existence.
Practical witchcraft
This week, try to focus on your inner child. Start today with doing something that the child you once were would have loved. Get an ice cream, paint with watercolors or climb a tree? We all have an inner child, and as an adult we are responsible for that child. What did little-you wish for? Dreams that 7 year-old had about adulthood -don’t forget about them. Keep a picture of the child you once were close so you can see it and be reminded. Do something for your inner child today.